Researchers at ICD Get Training in International Law
Hon. Justice Gaswaga (standing) speaking to participants at the certificate awarding ceremony
Research Assistants atthe International Crimes Division (ICD) were on Monday 22 February, 2021awarded certificates of completion after completing a two-month online coursein International Law from Case Western Reserve University School of Law andCoursera.
In a ceremony presidedover by the head of ICD, Hon. JusticeDavid Wangutusi, and witnessed by Hon. Justice Duncan Gaswaga, the six researchassistants expressed their gratitude for the opportunity to expand theirknowledge base.
Hon. Justice Wangutusithanked Hon. Justice Gaswaga for securing the opportunity and the researchersfor enduring and getting done with the task. He equally encouraged the group todig into the international sphere by enrolling on other programmes to becomeexperts.
Additionally, theywere encouraged to share their new knowledge with the Judges.
On his part, Hon. JusticeGaswaga said he was motivated to lobby for capacity building sessions for theresearchers because of the unique cases handled by the Division. "Theresearchers needed more knowledge about war crime cases so I approached Prof.Micheal P. Scharf the Dean of the University School of Law on Coursera forsupport...".
He added that ProfScharf is keen to work with ICD on issues regarding international criminal law.
To the researchers,Justice Gaswaga said they were lucky to acquire certificates from such areputable university which will up their skills and positively impact theirwork at the Division.
Assistant Director ofProsecution, Mr. Charles Kaamuli applauded Hon. Justice Gaswaga for such aninitiative and appealed that such initiatives be extended to prosecutors aswell, to enhance their knowledge about international criminal cases.
The ICD DeputyRegistrar, HW Beatrice Stella Atingu, was also in attendance.
Posted 22nd, February 2021